Monday, February 18, 2013

Daily Photo: February 18

Till the cows come home...

So this pic is of a cow that lives on a little farm near our subdivision.  Over the years, I have become fond of seeing these cows whenever I leave or come back home.  This one cow in particular is hilarious - it has this odd habit of somehow getting himself positioned up into the feeder on top of the hay.

This particular cow antic has begged many nagging questions...

  1. How does he get up there??  Does he jump, climb, or get catapulted by the other cows?
  2. Do cows jump or climb?  I mean cows hardly seem that ambitious!
  3. Do cows catapult one another onto things?  I seriously doubt they do.
  4. How does it get back out? 
  5. Wouldn't eating his way all the way down to the ground just make it that much more difficult to get back out of the feeder?  I'd think it would.
  6. Did I seriously turn around and go back to get this pic?  YES, I did - several people have asked me to get a pic of this cow up on the feeder.
  7. Why do Mark and I find this SO amusing and hilarious? gotta ask...have you met us??
  8. Why is this picture of this cow the ONLY one I've enlarged in size so you can see the detail?

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