Sunday, October 21, 2012

Together on Tuesday - My Rambling, Meandering, and Hilariously Off-topic Craft Discussion that Includes My Thoughts on 3 Seemingly Unrelated Things: Wine, Sewing Machines, & Mullets and it will leave you wondering...'What?!?' Then Somehow I Use My Fabulous Word-Smithing Skills To Tie It All Together and then Recommend That You Subsequently Consume A Large Volume of Said Wine After Having Read This...

This may be my shortest blog entry yet!  However, in a last minute move, I've made an attempt to have my blog entry title be longer than my actual blog entry itself.  Why, you ask?  WHY NOT?  By the way, I am starting to think there isn't a character limitation on the Blogger title field; after several fruitless attempts to max out, it is still taking whatever I add to it.  

Are you crafty?  Not at all...  If so, what are you good at?  Good at drinking wine...but I guess that doesn't count as crafty, per se.  Bad at?  Being crafty...especially, if there is a sewing machine involved. What are you currently working on?  Making coffee...kidding (but really, I am actually making coffee - its Sunday morning); I am also working on this blog which you are currently reading.  Let's see some photos of your projects!  There are none...LOL!  If you aren't crafty, do you have a hobby that isn't craft related?  If any of the following count: shopping, travel, hanging out with Mark and our friends, spoiling the dogs, and just being generally hilarious (usually inappropriately hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless).  Oh yeah...and mullet watching at Wal-mart (I don't actually go to Wal-mart for this specific purpose; but I DO live in Kentucky...mullet capital of the world, I do take full advantage of the opportunity to scope the hideous mullet scene while I am there anyways).    

The End.

Ha, almost fell for that 'The End' part...I just heard the panic welling up inside you!  While I am probably the LEAST crafty member of ToT, I do still have to take this opportunity to entertain, here is a visual from the 'Good', the 'Bad', and the 'Ugly' of the above crafting discussion since I don't really have any craft projects to talk about...

The Good:

The Bad:

The Ugly:

The Confusing Confession:
Contrary to ALL of the above, and in the interest of complete honesty...I do have a Pinterest account.  Yep, now you are just sitting there wondering 'WTF???'  I created the Pinterest account for the SOLE PURPOSE  of voting for a pic of a fabulous craft creation that our very own ToT blogger Katie over at Fun Home Things  had entered into a competition.  I logged in exactly one time, to vote for Katie's project.  If she enters another contest that I need to get onto Pinterest to vote for...I'll have to create a new account...I didn't save my account login info and I've long forgotten it by now.

The Wrap Up:
So, now that I have horrified your brain with images and thoughts of Joe Dirt mullets and sewing machines, my best advice is to go drink as much wine as you can get your hands on so you don't have nightmares about all of this tonight!  

The End.  For reals this time!  Go on...get out of here...go get your wine drinking on to keep the above images from being scorched into your brains....and remember...if you are offended or confused about how I got so far off-topic on this blog entry...just remember...I am severely lacking in the craftiness I had to fill the the blog space and your time with something, right???

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