Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Together on Tuesday - Play that FUNKY Music!!!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!  I hope you are all having a great week...quite frankly, it IS only Tuesday, but it has already seemed like a very LONG week for me so far!  Shoo...I am already ready for the weekend to roll back around again! 

This week, we are writing about music.  In particular, the music that we love and/or has impacted our lives in some way.  What music do we listen to?  What do we like about that music...does it make me happy, sad, inspired, etc...???

Well, this is going to be a tough topic for me to round up all my thoughts and stay organized and on-point...not because I don't love music...it is actually just the opposite of that, I love such a large variety of music that I fear I may go on long rambling tangents trying to fit in the full scope of the large variety of music that I like.  So, I am thinking that the best way for me is to approach this week's blog entry is to pick some of my very favorites to talk about.  So, this will not be even close to an exhaustive list of music that I love, more of just a few 'honorable mentions'. 

First, I am going to start with one of my all time favorites, Bob Marley.  I love his music.  He is one of those artists that I can just start an album at the beginning, go about my business and enjoy every song through the very end.  Mark and I have sort of dubbed his song 'Three Little Birds' as 'our song'...mostly because I am a constant, constant worrier and Mark will sometimes play this song for me because of the lines, "don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright."  Having been such talented musician coupled with his death at such a young age (36), fans are left with this sort of 'what might have been' void in place of the music that never was because his life and career were cut short.  You can read more interesting details of his life and career at Bob Marley's IMDB page.

Of course, this wouldn't be a blog about my favorite music if I didn't mention Jimmy Buffet.  Again, I can put on one of his albums and enjoy absolutely every single song on the album from start to finish.  I had the opportunity to go to my very first Jimmy Buffet concert back in March, and it was awesome!  Enjoyed every single minute of it!  As an added bonus, fellow ToT blogger Danielle and her husband Chris were able to come down for that weekend and go to the concert with us and our friend Greg!  We all had a blast at the concert...even once we found our correct seats at the Yum! Center which weren't nearly as good as the ones we thought were our seats...LOL!  

Tom Petty - ANOTHER one that I can just put an album on and enjoy all the way through (anyone starting to see a trend here??).  I am also going to say say that Tom Petty's Superbowl half-time show from 2008 was PHENOMENAL.  I challenge any of you to show me a SB halftime show since then that was even halfway decent compared to Petty's 2008 perfomance.  Watch it here on YouTube. 

An artist that has been around for a few years that I am just now getting into is Adele.  I have no idea why I didn't realize what a great artist she is before recently, but holy crap...wow...that gal has a voice!  And on top of that great voice, she has some fabulous songs as well.  I only have her '21' album right now, and I really enjoy it!  Adele and I spend at least one morning a week belting out duets together from the 21 album on my way to work!  One moring we were rocking it out so loudly in the car that I missed a call from my boss on my way in...oops!  I am going to have to go back and get her previous album as well. 

I also love Jack Johnson's music.  Jack Johnson is probably my all time favorite perfomance on Austin City Limits (2005).  I wanted to include a YouTube link from his Austin City Limits perfomance, but I cannot find it on YouTube...I thought everything was on YouTube??...par for my week, I suppose!  For my 30th birthday, Mark actually surprised me with tickets to a Jack Johnson concert in Indianapolis.  I literally had no idea where we were going until we were in Indianapolis.  Even when we left the house, he would not tell me where we were going, or what we were doing.  Once we reached the northside of Indy, we stopped at a restraurant and then all he would say was that someone was meeting us there...but would not tell me who...so I anxiously waited having NO idea who was meeting us there.  I was beyond thrilled when Danielle and Chris walked in and told me that we were going to the Jack Johnson concert and that our other good friends Erik and Janette were coming as well!  It was a great concert, but even more than that, I got to spend it with great friends as well! 

Another artist that I really like is Chris Tomlin.  He is a Christian music artist.  We listen and sing his music at our church sometimes and I have come to really enjoy all of his music.  There are a lot of really talented Christian music artists out there right now, but I would have to pick Chris Tomlin as my favorite.  For me, he combines his musical talent with messages of faith - and I think they are messages that he truly believes in - not just singing about for his musical career.  He really brings a lot of pure talent to the Christian music scene.  A couple of years ago, we got to go see his Christmas concert in Evansville, IN and we really enjoyed every aspect of it.  Not only Chris' performance, but we got to hear Louie Giglio speak his Christmas message called 'The Twelve Words of Christmas'.  It was a very powerful message.  Louie's message combined with Chris' music really made for a wonderful evening of celebrating the Christmas Season that year and the Christmas CD from that concert is the first Christmas CD I listen to each year. 


I feel like I have covered SO FEW of my favorite musicians, and that by circumstance of time I am leaving so many unmentioned!  

Well, now that I have rambled on and on...for those of you still awake at the end of this...you tell me..what is YOUR favorite music?  What about this music makes it special or important to you?

Also - DON'T FORGET to click on those links up and to the right that go to other ToT bloggers' sites and find out what music they love and how and why it has impacted their lives! 


  1. That Jack Johnson concert was FANTASTIC. I was there too. Ugh, love him!

  2. Hey...as it turns out we have a LOT of the same musical interests!! But we knew that already. :)

    Interesting fact: I have a sketch of a painting I'm getting ready to paint for our living room. It includes 3 birds and some of the lyrics from 3 Little Birds. No joke. :)
