Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Together on Tuesday (Late Edition!): Take this Job and...No, Don't Shove It!!

Okay, you caught me publishing my Together on Tuesday on Wednesday...the very nerve of me...sorry folks, I'm a day late!
This week's topic:  If you could have your dream job, what would it be?  How would it change your life?

Believe it or not, I actually had to mull over this one a little bit...mostly because I really, really like my job and I am very blessed to have a job that I really like and that actually pays me well.  But then I dug deep to figure out what my DREAM job would be, and I don't think anyone's DREAM job is crunching numbers and data all day...granted, some of us weirdos like it on some level, but I don't think any little girl or boy sits and dreams of doing my job when they grow up.  They want to be astronauts, nurses, teachers, know...movers & shakers, world changers. 

I don't think my dream job will shock or surprise any of you, as a matter of fact, some of you will probably just sigh and think, 'oh, she goes about the dogs...again!'  But, first, lets backtrack to a couple weeks ago when my friend and co-worker actually posed this very same question to me (to be clear, in her question, money or income from the job would not matter - in that particular scenario I would have no need to earn certain number of dollars per year).  My off the cuff answer then was, "would sit in a rocking chair and hold puppies all day long!"  So, I decided to take that, and create the job that would make me happiest.  So what I came up with was to have a Doggy Daycare at my house.  I know there are lots of doggy daycares out there, because we used to take Watson occassionally, but how great would it be to have a handful of people drop their pups off in the morning for me to play with all day long, and then they would pick them up at the end of the day!  Plus, an added bonus would be that I would be home with my two pups Eli and Austin all day (granted Eli is completely neurotic and would freak-out at the idea of having strange dogs coming to our house everyday, not to mention his need to challenge each and every one of them for alpha power on a daily basis...but I am dreaming about my perfect job here, so we won't worry about that right now).  It would be win, win...wait for it...WIN!

Doing this would change my life in many ways.  First, I would have an opportunity to spend my days with creatures that I absolutely love.  No matter how bad of a day that I have had, my dogs are always able to make me smile, laugh, and feel needed.  Eli is my cuddle bug and Austin is the class clown.  Secondly, it would make me happy to know that other crazy dog moms like me who are stuck at work all day would know that their beloved Fido was somewhere being loved, entertained, and having his energy level worn down to a tired frazzle which always certainly makes for a more peaceful evening.  Personally, I hate the fact that my boys are stuck inside all day.  Sometimes, I even feel guilty about it.  It would also give me the opportunity to teach dogs proper behavior and develop their social interaction skills with other dogs, which is something that I really believe in (although...any of you who follow my Austin stories may not buy that!).  It can be very easy for a dog to get a bad repuation.  But, oftentimes, when you get to the root of the problem the dog is simply reacting to the situation they have been forced into by their owner.  As Mark and I are well aware, a dog that does not get enough excersise and play time is going to be very high strung and difficult to deal with, and that pent-up energy WILL come out...the question is, will it be in a proper place and setting such as your back yard, or will it be in the room where you keep all of great-grandma's delicate China that has been handed down for generations?? 

As a side note, I am also going to pretend that being home would give me an opportunity to keep my housework done more regularly (but who are we kidding here, I'll have dogs to play with all day).  It would also cut my daily commute right out of the hour each way...that would be TWO whole hours each day, FIVE days a week that I would get back...that is TEN hours per week!  I can't even imagine having ten extra hours of my life back per week.  Plus, I could wear whatever I want since I am working right at a matter of fact it would be downright irresponsible for me to wear nice clothes to play with dogs all, no more business casual for me!

So enough about your local crazy dog lady...what is YOUR dream job??

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