Saturday, March 23, 2013

Together on Tuesday: Why are you telling me this??

First things first...just a couple 'housekeeping' items!

Last week's ToT topic is one that I really support; so much so, that I am sort of holding off until I can have the time (and energy) to actually get it right - the way I want to do accomplish it!  Last week's topic is to plan and carry out a random act of kindness (note: I am not by any means planning anything huge, extravagant, or grand - but these things do require thought, planning, time, and the commodity that I've been lacking since I got hurt last!  I've been operating on about only 60% of the amount of energy that I used to have - so daily normal life just sucks all of that up leaving little or none for anything extra like this).  Also, like several of the other ToT ladies, I have a specific purpose in mind for this challenge and I want to do it at a time when able to do it the most effective way possible - I have found that while us ToT ladies (still saying ladies...we have not yet had any guys join - but please know, guys, you are more than welcome!  We'd LOVE to have that additional new perspective in our group!) are all at different life stages, one big thing we all seem to have in common is a genuine interest and caring in trying to do our part to make the world a better, safer, and kinder place.  I love that about this group - because we all have our own unique approaches to accomplishing this, so it is creates multiple facets for us to make our (even if small) differences.

Secondly, I joined along with Nancy's Daily Photo Challenge at the beginning of the year, and I am STILL on board with it!  Life is just a wee bit hectic at times, as you know, so I am finding myself these past couple weeks falling off the challenge.  I am NOT abandoning my participation.  I am going to continue with the daily photos as often as my brain can keep up, and well...if I miss a day or three or more in between, well...that's just one of those being a grown-up lessons of getting through the 'Dog Days of Life'.  I am sure you all understand and have been there as well.

Alright!  Now onto this week's topic!  Why is THIS news??  Pick an article in the news this week to ponder over why some news outlet deemed this particular thing as newsworthy.  This was a topic that I chose because I so often find myself scratching the old noggin' and wondering WHY, WHY, WHY the 'journalists' of our (oftentimes, national) news outlets felt compelled to report these things as 'news'.  Call me cynical...go know you want to...but there are just some mundane things I just don't care about and sometimes, as an educated member of their audience...I am just downright insulted at what they are trying to cram down my throat labelled as news.

Why are you telling me this?  News Item #1
I don't think I have ever been shy or reserved in voicing my ire for the way that Hollywood stars pat each other's backs for the grand total of nothingness that they generally accomplish.  I also HATE their assumption (and the assumption on the part of news reporting outlets) that I actually give a flying rat's ass about what is going on in the life of celebrities (i.e. their so-called 'struggles'...really??) -or- what their political/ethical stances are on...well...anything.  Do not get me wrong, I DO believe that every individual has a right to their own opinions about anything they are interested in forming an opinion about.  What I DO NOT believe is right is when celebrities use their public image as a staging ground to influence how others vote, believe, form opinions, etc...  Call me bitchy if you will, but people who get paid millions and millions of dollars for what they do (especially when what they do to earn that kind of money is NOT: taking criminals off our streets, saving lives, cultivating children to lead our world into a better tomorrow, blazing a trails of opportunities for disadvantaged members of our society, etc...) really bear NO influence over how I live my life.  Sorry, but it doesn't.  If you can't even give me a ball park estimate of what a loaf of bread, gallon of milk, or basic items cost - then I really don't care what you think about the world because you are out of touch with everyday life and the daily struggles of the average family.  Additionally, I couldn't possibly care any LESS about the perpetually revolving door of celebrity relationships. Please, Hollywood, stop thinking I care about this!

Why are you telling me this?  News Item #2
Okay, my idea was that I'd pick an actual reported 'news' item for this topic - I do realize that the above was merely a sidetrack rant on something I am opinionated about - anyone who has been reading this blog for very long should be used to that by now!  Also, I would like to state in advance that I actually make an effort to get my news from multiple different news outlets.  The story below is from Fox News, but that is NOT my go-to place for news.  In actuality, no single source is my go-to place for news.  I follow news via several media outlets.

The story I chose is about the new Pope making a phone call...are you ready for this...wait for it...himself...GASP, can you believe it??  I mean really...the man cannot make his own phone call without it apparently being reported by news outlets around the world??

Pope Francis calls Argentine newsstand owner to cancel paper delivery

I am by NO means downplaying the importance of the Pope as the current head of the Catholic faith.  I do understand the importance and influence the Pope has across the world.  But come on...give the man a break here, I am sure he's got some things take care of and plenty of loose ends to tie up as he transitions into Pope-hood (I am sorry if that isn't a proper way to describe one's tenure as Pope - I really do not intend to say this to be offensive or derogatory).  But it was, after all, his newspaper subscription, so once he knew he would be moving to the Vatican, I'm sure he (quite logically) thought to start making arrangements and cancelling things he wouldn't be needing or using any longer.  I also recognize that I am sure that getting to speak to the Pope was, indeed, a very big deal for the guy at the newsstand.  Perhaps even local news-worthy.  But, I am just having a hard time convincing myself that this is a story that one of our national news outlets needed to pick up.  To this I say, "really, Fox News??"...which...that particular question is not a rare one I have for this particular news outlet.

I do have a theory about why we are so often fed these seemingly un-newsworthy stories.  For those of us who are above a particular age...a number which will not be discussed here...we grew up with news mostly being limited to the confines of the pages of a newspaper or the daily hour or so each morning, noon, and evening. So 'back in those days' (really, me?  really?) they had to cram all actual relevant and important news stories into a very limited amount of time and space.  However, our new norm of having 24-hour on-air reporting and the limitless space parameters of the internet, we seem to have created a void which seems to beckon the mounds and mounds of demand to keep a MUCH larger space filled with non-newsworthy stuff...or as they like to call it, "news".

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