Sunday, October 21, 2012

Together on Tuesday - My Rambling, Meandering, and Hilariously Off-topic Craft Discussion that Includes My Thoughts on 3 Seemingly Unrelated Things: Wine, Sewing Machines, & Mullets and it will leave you wondering...'What?!?' Then Somehow I Use My Fabulous Word-Smithing Skills To Tie It All Together and then Recommend That You Subsequently Consume A Large Volume of Said Wine After Having Read This...

This may be my shortest blog entry yet!  However, in a last minute move, I've made an attempt to have my blog entry title be longer than my actual blog entry itself.  Why, you ask?  WHY NOT?  By the way, I am starting to think there isn't a character limitation on the Blogger title field; after several fruitless attempts to max out, it is still taking whatever I add to it.  

Are you crafty?  Not at all...  If so, what are you good at?  Good at drinking wine...but I guess that doesn't count as crafty, per se.  Bad at?  Being crafty...especially, if there is a sewing machine involved. What are you currently working on?  Making coffee...kidding (but really, I am actually making coffee - its Sunday morning); I am also working on this blog which you are currently reading.  Let's see some photos of your projects!  There are none...LOL!  If you aren't crafty, do you have a hobby that isn't craft related?  If any of the following count: shopping, travel, hanging out with Mark and our friends, spoiling the dogs, and just being generally hilarious (usually inappropriately hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless).  Oh yeah...and mullet watching at Wal-mart (I don't actually go to Wal-mart for this specific purpose; but I DO live in Kentucky...mullet capital of the world, I do take full advantage of the opportunity to scope the hideous mullet scene while I am there anyways).    

The End.

Ha, almost fell for that 'The End' part...I just heard the panic welling up inside you!  While I am probably the LEAST crafty member of ToT, I do still have to take this opportunity to entertain, here is a visual from the 'Good', the 'Bad', and the 'Ugly' of the above crafting discussion since I don't really have any craft projects to talk about...

The Good:

The Bad:

The Ugly:

The Confusing Confession:
Contrary to ALL of the above, and in the interest of complete honesty...I do have a Pinterest account.  Yep, now you are just sitting there wondering 'WTF???'  I created the Pinterest account for the SOLE PURPOSE  of voting for a pic of a fabulous craft creation that our very own ToT blogger Katie over at Fun Home Things  had entered into a competition.  I logged in exactly one time, to vote for Katie's project.  If she enters another contest that I need to get onto Pinterest to vote for...I'll have to create a new account...I didn't save my account login info and I've long forgotten it by now.

The Wrap Up:
So, now that I have horrified your brain with images and thoughts of Joe Dirt mullets and sewing machines, my best advice is to go drink as much wine as you can get your hands on so you don't have nightmares about all of this tonight!  

The End.  For reals this time!  Go on...get out of here...go get your wine drinking on to keep the above images from being scorched into your brains....and remember...if you are offended or confused about how I got so far off-topic on this blog entry...just remember...I am severely lacking in the craftiness I had to fill the the blog space and your time with something, right???

Friday, October 5, 2012

Together Last Tuesday - (Un?)Conventional Wisdom

Notice what I did there?  I am making up for last week's missed ToT post.  It just occurred to me that at a glance, you may think this is my last ToT post, nope, not the case...I just crafted a little bit of word play into the title.  Put down the Kleenex...Dog Days of Life is NOT leaving the ToT group!  Just being a little tricky...well...because it is MY, I can do that!  Am I going to get sued for actually saying Kleenex instead of tissues??  Oh well, we'll burn that bridge if it comes to pass!

I typically don't always go back and make up missed posts, but I was really looking forward to this one, and well, quite frankly, I was sulking about missing it.  The only cure was to write it.

Share the life lessons you have learned so far:

  1. Bad things happen to good people.  It sucks, but it is a part of life that we can't change.  
  2. We won't always understand why we go through certain things in life.  At some point, you just have to accept what you are dealing with and stop spinning your wheels on the 'why' part.  You just have to accept that you may never know - we aren't supposed to know everything about our lives.  Plain and simple. 
  3. A good indicator of someone's true character is how they treat those in the service industry.  If I want to get a good sense of someone's true character, I pay close attention to how they treat a waiter or waitress.  A truly nice person is appreciative of the service they get from a waiter/waitress doing a good job.  Someone who gets their kicks or self-esteem boost from belittling, talking down to, or otherwise being a jackass to a hardworking waiter or waitress is NOT a nice person; they are not my friend, and they never will be.  
  4. Blaming others for your lot in life only carries you so far.  Get over it.  At some point you just have to suck it up, put on your 'big girl/boy panties' and move forward as a responsible member of society.  You can only blame your parents for the first 18 years of your life...beyond that, you are legally an adult, your choices are up to you.  Own them, take responsibility.  Be a grown up and don't dwell in the past. 
  5. Have a sense of humor.  Life is hard, but a good sense of humor can make it a lot less hard.  
  6. Surround yourself with people who can make you laugh and love doing so.  Whether it be friends, spouse/significant other, or co-workers find people who love life and laughter to spend your time with.  
  7. Stop thinking through the 'what if' scenarios.  In certain situations, you will certainly drive yourself to insanity.  I have always been the 'what if' is just how my mind works.  Great for analytical thinking that I use at work, but horrible for things that happen in life.  (Somewhat) jokingly, I have referred to myself as the 'worst case scenario calculator'.  But, I have been put in some situations this year that have forced me to stop my mind from going down the 'what if' path.  The 'what if' path contains things that are just too dark and horrible for me to think about.  Thankfully, God has pulled me through these situations with good results, and who am I to second guess the grace He has shown me and those around me?  
  8. Don't freak out over the small stuff.  Life is too short for that.  At the end of your days, do really want to reflect back on your life and see that you spent most of it fussing over the insignificant, mundane details?  
  9. Take a few minutes one week to meet your Garbage Man (or Woman).  They could be really nice.  We've met ours, and he is really a nice guy.  Besides, those times when you forget and try flagging him down on his way back down the street...he/she can choose to see you, or not see you.
  10. Have a pet, at least once in your lifetime.  They bring joy to a home.  We all know I am a dog person, but that is just me.  I have had cats, and cats can be absolutely entertaining - cats are always plotting against you and it can be fun trying to stay a step ahead of them!  
  11. Sometimes being a grown-up sucks.  Life can get really complicated and sometimes we have to make tough decisions that have no good outcome no matter what you choose.   
  12. It is OKAY to laugh at things society says it is inappropriate to laugh at.  Just choose your time, location, and company accordingly!
  13. Listen to your gut instincts.  It is there for a reason, so don't ignore it.
  14. Don't sugar-coat things.  Life isn't always sweet, and finding out this reality will feel like having a band-aid ripped off after a lifetime of being sheltered.  Just avoid all that and tell it like it is. 
  15. Marry the person you can't live without - the person you would gladly walk barefoot from New York to California just to spend some time with.
  16. Be aware of the unconditional love in your life - both those who love you unconditionally, and those who you love unconditionally.  Unconditional love is the best security blanket in the world.  
  17. In career/business: everyone is replaceable.  Period.  Of course there are some 'workplace superstars' out there that have convinced themselves otherwise.  I have watched others think this, and have seen more than once the subsequent fall from grace.  The very instant they deem themselves irreplaceable, is the very same instant that big head of theirs has been distracted long enough to be unaware of the target they just put on their own backs.  In business, everyone is replaceable.  Do a great job; pat yourself on the back here and there, but in the end stay grounded.  Why?  Because you are replaceable, and know this: someone out there can do a better job than you, and someone out there wants/needs your job.  If you disagree with me, then you are probably someone who needs to hear this.  
  18. Don't be that coworker who over-does everything and is that person who goes so over the top that you cause everyone to lose perks or privileges just because you are an idiot.  Everyone (besides you, that is) knows it is because of you.  People will lose respect for you, no matter how good you are at your actual job, and people are talking about you.  Its true, I'm sorry, but its true.  The same applies to the person who makes the biggest, most drunken ass of themselves at the company Christmas party - so don't be that person either...even if it is the only night of the year you get out on the town.   
  19. Don't work harder to get out of work than it would be to do the actual work itself.  That just isn't an efficient use of energy, time, or effort.  
  20. You can't fight every battle.  Accept that, then choose carefully which battles you want to fight.  Once you have decided that, dig in...dig in for the long haul and don't give up. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Together on Tuesday: To Keep or Not to Keep...

Okay, sorry, but I just had to sneak in some cheeky, off-beat humor about this week's topic:  Keepsake or Clutter?  How do you decide what to keep and what to toss?? 

I really believe that as humans we all have at least a slight tendancy to save things, which oftentimes becomes too many things.  We live in a retail society.  It is so easy to find things all the time that we want to buy.  But with the wonderful feeling of finding that great buy, there is also that dreadful feeling of finding a space for it.  For me, this is usually seasonal things like home decor items.  I seem to come across lots and lots of great seasonal home decor and I love buying and having least that year, until I find something seemingly better for that same season the following year.  I have plenty of these items already, but each year I seem to add to it until I just have too much of these things.  That is something that I have to proactively think about each time I find myself meandering the seasonal aisles of my favorite stores: do I already have this or something already to serve as good of a purpose?  Do I really need this?  Where will I put this?  When the season is over, where will I store this? 

Things I Keep

Over the years, especially during the college years, I accumulated things that at that particular moment, felt like life-long 'must-have' items.  However, that stack of things included such ridiculousness as every paper I ever wrote (which is a lot...considering I have a bachelor's degree in English Education), newspapers, magazines, books, coats/jackets, teaching materials, things I could potentially use later, etc...  However, I have since had to take a more critical look at these things and pare down what I keep and what I get rid of. 

Things I have kept from college now fits into a flat plastic tote that would fit under a bed for easy storage.  Except for the books, that is.  Still have a LOT of the books, but as far as other random things, I have really minimized it down over the years. 

Of the things from colllege, I decided to keep only the documents that were of some personal or historical value.  This would include a small sampling of the best of the papers that I wrote (or ones that I put the most thought or effort into writing - because let's be honest, there were plenty that were written in the wee hours before class with the printer ink still drying as I turned them in).  Early on, I also came to the conclusion that there was ablsolutely no logical reason or justification for keeping the notebooks and folders from my college classes.  That just took up too much space from the get-go, so they got tossed.  I have never needed them, so that was a great choice of things to toss.  I also still have a lot of the cards, notes, and such that my mom mailed to me while I was away at IU.  The keeper pile also includes the Business Law quiz that I was taking at the exact time that the September 11 attacks happened.  I will never forget, at that moment before hearing about the attacks, that quiz was the most important thing happening...until I heard.  Oh, how horrible it was to find out what happened while I was taking that quiz.  The very next time I had that class was two days later, so we were all still reeling from the news, and we all awkwardly waited for class to begin knowing that is what we were doing when it happened.  The professor wallked in and tossed them on the table and simply said, "here are the quizzes...not that they are important."  He is right, they became insignificant to what the country was going through, but, I have kept that quiz, if for no other reason to remind me that something you think is the most important thing right now can quickly become the most insignificant thing in the grand scheme of life. 

I also still have the IU Student newspaper announcing the firing of basketball coach Bobby Knight.  I am not even much of a basketball fan, but Bobby Knight was a legend at IU, so since I conveniently have the newspaper from the university from which he was fired, I figure I may as well hang on to it...who knows. 

Now back to the books.  Oh, the books.  Confession: I have a really hard time forcing myself to get rid of any books.  Even at the end of the semester when I could sell them back for fast cash after finals, I still carefully picked and chose which ones I thought I should keep and which ones I could part with for pizza money...literally, I once sold back some of my books because I really wanted some extra cash to order a pizza the evening I finished my last final for that semester.  I cashed in my thick, heavy volume of Shakespear literature at TIS Bookstore, and cleared just enough to pay for the last pizza that Pizza Express delivered that night.  They cut off deliveries very early that evening due to a snow/ice storm that was moving in, and I got the very last pizza they delivered that night.  Shoo...just under the wire!  The irony here is that a couple semesters later I had to REBUY that exact same big, heavy volume of Shakespeare for my second semester of Shakespeare Literature.  Dammit.  But I learned, and didn't sell it after that semester so I would never have to buy another piece of Shakespear literature.  Plus, it had all my class notes written in it and that alone has served of zero value in the subsequent years of my life!  I still have that second copy I got.  I haven't been able to part with it, probably because it reminds me of the cute and funny story of when I really wanted pizza money and sold the first one. 

I also have a handful of things of the dogs' that I keep.  From Watson there are a few of his favorite toys and his collar and tag that I have in a special box that I bought to keep his things in.  Since we don't have our Watson anymore, at least I have a lot of photos and a few of his favorite things to remember him by.  And speaking of dogs' things, I now have a new one to add.  Eli learned to swim this week.  All on his own.  Mark threw a ball out in a stream for him and Austin to go retreive and it went a little farther than they could wade out to get it and Eli was determined, so when it got too deep for him to wade, he kept going and started swimming for it!  It was a proud moment for Mark and I - my heart swelled a hundred times bigger watching him.  He brought that ball back and after playing with it a bit more, I got ahold of it so I could keep it and always have a memento of when we were so proud of him for being brave! 

Things I Toss/Donate

I have recently come to terms with just clearing out clothes that don't fit anymore or that I know deep down that I will never wear again.  About a year ago, after my weight being up and down and up and down, I decided that having the teeny tiny clothes that I could once wear in the closet staring at me everyday was just too depressing; I decided I needed to do a major purge.  So, after bagging them up, I had every bit of three giant garbage bags stuffed full of great clothes that I needed to never see again.  So, I donated them to a better cause than collecting dust inside my closet. 

Coats and jackets are another thing I have way too many of - that is one of my weaknesses; for some reason that I don't fully understand, I LOVE buying new jackets and coats.  Since fashions change from year to year, that is a grand reason to justify getting them...right??  Just agree with me on this.  As a result, I have a ridiculous amount of them, winter coats especially, that I need to donate.  Some of the coats are too small or no longer fashionably appropriate for my "grown-up" life, so I just need to get rid of them.  Seriously.  I could provide coats for an extended family of Eskimos.  Seriously.  I just need to get them to a more useful home.  People in less fortunate situations need coats every year, and it is selfish of me to keep these coats collected up in a closet knowing I will never wear them.  The funny thing is, that even though I buy all these jackets and coats, there is one I still keep going back to.  A grey wool pea coat that I bought in college for $25 off the clearance rack at Old Navy one year.  Yeah, I still love that coat and always default back to it after I grow tired of my most recent coat purchase.  All I have to do is pair it up with a new scarf and glove set each year, get it dry-cleaned at the end of each winter, and voila...its appearance is refreshed, and it is as good as new! 

The Basement

We all know the best parts and perks of home ownership.  However, the slightly darker and more sinister side is that space that most houses in the mid-west have that sits directly under the main part of the house...yes, you know what I am talking about...<insert music from a horror film here>...the basement.  It is just a big space...for stuff, right?  Well, ours has been just that.  There have been times where I avoided going down to the basement because of all the stuff.  But, to our credit, it was also being used as a shop for some things that my husband works on.  At some point, it became abundantly clear that we needed some type of space dedicated to just his projects and tools and things like that.  So, we built a 1500 sq foot shop for just that.  So, out of the basement went all the tools, saws, sawdust collection sytems, shop vacs, lawn maintenance equipment, and dirt bike & dirt bike accessories.  Oh, the open space of the basement once all that stuff got moved!  We even had a little part of the basement we referred to as 'the garage' and it is now almost empty because all that stuff went out to the shop.  So now, we are down to just one corner of the basement that we try not to think about.  That corner of the basement would be a hoarder's dream come true.  I say there just hasn't been time to go through it all, maybe that is true, but deep down, part of me knows that I just don't want to deal with all that stuff and what to do with it all.  Woof.  This part of the basement story is to be continued...